How can I change the font on all labels with one click?
how can I change the font on all labels with one click?
Hello Karen,
The gold foil seals only work with inkjet printers.
Hello Jacob,
You can add the comma in the excel file for merge. It will work this way.
Do the gold labels only work on laser printers. Inkjet seems to wipe off.
When creating lables from excel file, How do i add the comma between city and state? and the extra spaces between state and zip code
Hello Rick,
Yes, it is possible. If you already have the image, you can upload it using the Image option from the top menu.
Hello Molly,
In order to insert the electronic signature, you need to convert the word/pdf file into a jpg, jpeg or png image.
Is it possible to add an image (like a seal) to an award template?
How do I add an electronic signature to a certificate? Thanks
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